President Of India: A brief Case Study

The President of India is the head of state and is also known as the first citizen of India. It is part of the executive powers of the Union, and its provisions are governed by Articles 52-78, including those relating to the President (Articles 52-62).

Who is the President of India?

The president of India is the head of state. He is the first citizen of India and is a symbol of solidarity, unity and integrity of the country. It is part of the Coalition Executive, along with India's Vice President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers and Attorney General.

How are the presidents elected?

There are no direct elections for the President of India. The electoral college elects him. The electoral college responsible for the presidential election is made up of elected members of the legislature.

Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
State Legislature (no Parliament)
Delhi and Puducherry Union Regional
 Legislative Council
Who Doesn't Participate in the Presidential Election?
The following groups do not run for president
 of India.

Appointed Representative Rajya Sabha (12)
Appointed State
 Legislative Member
Bicameral 44 Legislative Assembly Member (Elected and Appointed) 44 Member
 of Delhi and Puducherry Union Territory Appointed

What is the President's term of office?

Once elected, a president is in power for five years. He remains in power five years later, unless a new election is held or a new president is elected. He may also be re-elected, with no restrictions on re-election.

What are the requirements for a president?

A candidate has to meet some qualifications to be elected as the president. Those qualifications of the President are:

He should be an Indian Citizen
His age should be a minimum of 35 years
He should qualify the conditions to be elected as a member of the Lok Sabha
He should not hold any office of profit under the central government, state government, or any public authority

What are the conditions of the President’s office?

There are a few conditions for the candidate running for the President’s elections:

He cannot be a member of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. If he has been a member of either of the house, he should vacate the seat on his first day as President in the office
He should not hold any office of profit
For his residence, Rashtrapati Bhavan is provided to him without the payment of rent
Parliament decides his emoluments, allowances and privileges
Parliament cannot diminish his emoluments and allowances during his term of office
He is given immunity from any criminal proceedings, even in respect of his personal acts
Arrest or imprisonment of the President cannot take place. Only civil proceedings can be initiated for his personal acts that too after giving two months’ of prior notice.

What is the process of impeaching the President?

India's only condition for impeachment is "violation of the Constitution"

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